Cobbler fish are big, speckled, brownish-yellow catfish with sharp dorsal and pectoral fin spines and 5 pairs of barbels around their mouth. The dorsal and pectoral fins of estuary catfish are poisonous and capable of causing intensely inflamed lesions.
The cobbler has a smooth, delicate body that is nutritious. It also possesses strong poisonous spines that must be removed before eating. The male cobbler makes a tunnel and then attracts a female to lay her eggs there. The utilisation of the burrow more than once is still uncertain.
It can be found in isolated pools in streams and rivers and some freshwater lakes, where it swims along stony, gravelly, or sandy substrates. The shelter may be found in riverbank cavities and root mounds of sedge tussocks. It can live in brackish water and has a poisonous spine. It is a nest builder like the eel-tailed catfish.
Cobbler Fish Sting
These fish have a long tapering body and barbels (fleshy whisker-like structures) surrounding the mouth that they utilise to hunt for food. Their dorsal and pectoral fins include poisonous spines that can inflict a terrible lesion if you accidentally step on them.

To ease pain from cobbler stings, the first aid recommendation is to rinse the injured area in lukewarm water for 20 minutes. Repeat for a few minutes until the pain subsides, but seek further medical assistance if the condition worsens.
Cobbler Fish Venom
Their dorsal and pectoral fins carry venomous spines that can cause intense and painful lesions. These fish are not hostile. When people are stung by them, they are usually fishing or swimming when they come into contact with one, either by stepping on it or touching the fish after it has been captured.
Cobbler Fish Habitat
They are found in the southern half of the country, in estuarine and coastal waters that reach a depth of approximately 30 meters. They can be found in Western Australia south of the Abrolhos Islands and east into the Great Australian Bight. Cobbler fish are members of the Plotosidae family, sometimes referred to as eel-tailed catfish.
Cobbler Fish Facts
This species stays dormant during the day and becomes active at night when the smaller cobblers consume shrimp and crabs, and the larger cobblers consume other fish. They lay their eggs in August and September. They can reach up to 50cm in length.
Individuals go upstream to spawn during the spring and summer months. Males build a gravel and rock nest with a central sandy pit into which females deposit spherical, non-adhesive eggs that hatch in approximately 7 days. Individuals have a maximum lifespan of ten years.
Is cobbler fish safe to eat?
Cobbler fish is nutritious and tastes good. But it contains strong poisonous spines that must be removed before eating. It may be harmful or even life-threatening if cooked without removing its poisonous spines.
How long does a cobbler sting last?
They induce instant and severe pain at the sting site that lasts around an hour, as well as a rash along the tentacle's line. If stung, remove the tentacles and soak the wound in hot water (45 ° C, e.g. under a faucet) for twenty minutes. Heat makes the poison ineffective.
Does cobbler fish taste good?
Cobbler fish tastes good because it has soft, delicate flesh that is nutritious and gives natural flavours in a recipe. But beware that its poisonous spines must be removed before cooking, otherwise it may cause a harmful reaction in the body.